Loc. Col. Bai. The. MCCCX [Locus Columnae Baiamonti Theopuli 1310],
Campo Sant'Agostin, 2018
In retaliation for the participation of Bajamonte Tiepolo in the attempted
conspiracy against the Doge Gradenigo in 1310, his house in Campo Sant'Agostin was destroyed and the ‘column of infamy’ was erected in the area, as the
inscription says.

Per S. Marco, Per Schiavoni/S. Paolo, Campo San Lio, 2018.

Campo Santa Maria Formosa, 2018.

Calle Seconda de l'Ascension.jpg, 2018.

Campo Manin, 2018.

Campo San Rocco, 2018.

Campo San Lorenzo, 2018.

Campo Santa Maria del Giglio, 2018.

Piazza San Marco, 2018.

Ponte Chiodo, 2018.

Punta della Dogana, 2018.

Campo Ghetto Vecchio, 2018.
Stumbling Stones in memory of the victims of Nazi deportation and extermination.